The IOTAIS 2025 will be using a virtual conference this year. The virtual conference is scheduled to be held on November 6th-8th, 2025. Hence, all presenters for IOTAIS 2025 are required to prepare a Virtual Video Presentation and must follow the attached guidelines for the preparation of your video presentation.
Non-Presented Paper Policy
IEEE Conference Organizers, in agreement with the IEEE Conference Sponsor, have the right to exclude or limit a paper from distribution if the paper was not presented at the conference. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including removal from IEEE Xplore Digital Library®️, if the paper is not presented at the conference.
Guidelines for Virtual Video Presentations
All presenters for IOTAIS 2025 are required to follow the following guidelines for your Virtual Video Presentation.
- You have to prepare a 10-minutes video presentation, make you present it to the camera OR your voice-over PowerPoint OR a combination of other creative presentation methods. You can also use several screens, one for PowerPoint presentations and smaller ones including you as a presenter.
- The speaker represents one paper, has a total time of 15 minutes. 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of QnA.
- The length of this video cannot be more than 10 minutes.
- Video resolution must be high definition (720p or 1080p)
- All information such as the title of your paper, author’s name, affiliation and your photo must appear on the first slide of your presentation.
- Your presentation slides must be in PowerPoint or equivalent.
- Please send your Virtual Video Presentation to edas and
- video link that can be downloaded and presentation slides with Subject: IOTAIS2025 Virtual Presentation – Paper ID XXX
TIP: You might find some useful tips at the following link.
- To Give Effective Virtual Presentations presentations
(written by Matt Abrahams) - How to create a voice-over narration for your PowerPoint Presentations
(By Dawn Dubriel)
Virtual Conference
- Presentation will be scheduled and opened for all authors and attendees using Zoom. Go to the following link to access to the virtual rooms.
- Virtual rooms can be accessed directly from Zoom Meetings website or you can first download Zoom Application to your device.
- Each virtual room have its own unique Meeting ID, Password and Link. We will send an email with detail information.
- To join the session through the web,
- Insert the Meeting ID and press ‘enter’ from your keyboard
- Insert the Password and click ‘OK’
- Click ‘Join Meeting’
- Otherwise, you can copy and paste the Meeting Link and press ‘enter’ from your keyboard
- To join the session through Zoom App,
- Insert the Meeting ID and click ‘Join’
- Insert the Password and click ‘Next’
- Otherwise, you can copy and paste the Meeting Link and click ‘Join’
- Each session will be hosted by a Session Chair and assisted by a Session Vice-Chair.
- Session Chair will play all the recorded video of all presentations according to the schedule.
- Each presenter must be in the virtual room throughout the session. After your video has been aired, 5-10 minutes will be allocated for the Question & Answer session.
The DOs in the Virtual Conference
- Do have proper equipment and the right technology.
- Do test your microphone before you video call. Test it by video conferencing your colleague before the conference.
- Do test your hardware and internet connection beforehand.
- Do turn off all notifications and make sure your cell phone is on silent.
- Do mute yourself when not talking.
- Do stick to the time frames.
- Do give your full attention to the participants as you would if you were in the same room.
- Do give everyone a chance to participate.
- Do wait for your turn to speak.
- Do speak clearly, concisely and use good manners.
- Do listen to attentively to everyone.
- Do limit meeting distractions.
- Do respect everyone‘s time.
- Do be courteous to other participants
- Do keep body movements minimal.
- Do maintain eye contact by looking into the camera.
- Do dress appropriately.
- Do make sure your room is well lit (side lighting is the best).
- Do set up a virtual background if you don’t have time to tidy up your space.
- Do be careful about the documents or screens you’re sharing.
- Do be aware of potential cultural differences. It’s important to be prepared for communication challenges that may arise as a result of language barriers or differences in etiquette.
- Do be patient when things get complicated.
- Do make sure password protection is enabled.
- Do be yourself and have fun!
The DON’Ts in the Virtual Conference
- Don’t wait until the session time to log in.
- Don’t position your camera too low, too high. Weird camera angles can be very distracting and unflattering during video conference calls.
- Don’t invite unnecessary people.
- Don’t make distracting sounds.
- Don’t interrupt other speakers.
- Don’t multitask.
- Don’t shout.
- Don’t make distracting movements.
- Don’t carry on side conversations.
- Don’t talk over each other. Use the chat function to ask questions.
- Don’t open the irrelevant programs.