6G: The Terabit Wireless Internet Vision
6G Vision. Every 10 years a new wireless generation emerges with new requirements and new deployment scenarios not addressed by the previous generation. But the time of generations is getting shorter as we saw from the shift from 4G to 5G. This talk will address the new 6G electromagnetic spectrum requirements, the new research challenges, the new user requirements and their impact. Most data happens in-door and not on the street. Data center, company offices and building, factories and government building produce and consume 80-90% of their data in-house and their wireless bandwidth is limited to Gigabit. To move them to Terabit speed in-door, 6G will look at the Terahertz frequency to address its unexploited spectrum (called the Thz Gap) for new uses and innovations. The vast and enormous cabling spagetti of data center can be replaced by Thz communication to name an example. Very large scale research projects have been awarded around the world with flagship projects such as the 6Genesis project in Finland with the vision to instill interest in research and industry attraction to validate with pilots such a promising new terabit scale wireless technologies. The China MIIT has launched its 6G Program in June 2019 to with working groups to investigate on the Thz communication. The US government has also launched a Thz initiative back in June.
Short Bio
- Prof, Latif Ladid holds the following positions: Founder & President, IPv6 FORUM www.ip6forum.org, Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society www.isoc.org.
- Board Member IPv6 Ready & Enabled Logos Program and Board Member World Summit Award www.wsis-award.org.
- Member of 3GPP PCG (Board) (www.3gpp.org), 3GPP2 PCG (www.3gpp2.org).
- Member of IEEE 5G Initiative Steering Committee (Future Networks Initiative) and IEEE IoT Steering Committee.
- Vice-Chair, ETSI IPv6 Industry Specification Group : https://portal.etsi.org/tb.aspx?tbid=827&SubTB=827.
- Member of UN Strategy Council Member of Future Internet Forum EU Member States (representing Luxembourg).
- IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Award, 2002IPv6 Life Time Achievement Award, 2016.
- Research Fellow @ University of Luxembourg ( ince 2006) on multiple European Commission Next Generation Technologies Projects.